Cold Cucumber Soup with Steamed Scampi

When the temperatures soar, try a this creamy & refreshing...soup! Crazy huh?! In fact, cold cucumber soup is delicious & light, like a green gazpacho and paired with steamed scampi (or grilled shrimp or crab meat) is a gorgeous combination.  This oven-free, cook-free, heat-free dish will help you keep your cool in a hot summer kitchen!

For the gardeners: a cucumber soup is also a brilliant way to use all that cucumber our garden produces. After all, you can only eat so many cucumber tomato onion salads before you're ready to try something new.

Cold Cucumber Soup
Serves 8-10 (when serving in a shot glass size)
Serves 4 (when serving in a bowl)

4-5 cucumbers, peeled & seeded
1/2 red onion
1 clove garlic
squeeze of lemon
small handful of parsley, chopped
pinch of mint, chopped
1 small chili (optional)
1/3 - 1/3 cup plain unsweetened yogurt
1/2 glass of water
extra virgin olive oil

In a food processor throw in the garlic, cucumber, onion, lemon juice, salt, herbs and water - turn on High for 2-3 minutes until everything is chopped nice & fine. Add the yogurt and give it pulse.

Taste & adjust your seasonings. If it's too thick add a bit more water. If the flavor is flat add a bit more salt & lemon juice.

Allow to sit in the fridge for at least an hour or more. At the same time place your serving dishes (cups or bowls) in freezer. Note: The flavors will change and come together as it sits.

Before you serve, give it a good stir, taste again and adjust seasonings if needed.

To serve: use the glasses that were in the freezer & top with extra virgin olive oil. Pairs perfectly with steamed scampi, grilled shrimp or crab meat.

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