Sauteed Spring Greens (Liscaro) with Garlic & Olive Oil

Liscaro has more aliases than an escaped convict - in our neck of the woods it is called liscaro, but travel outside our valley and it goes by agretto, lischi, roscano, baciccio, barba del negus. Just another example of how regional & local the cooking (& language) is in Italy! If you like spinach then you will love liscaro (or whatever you prefer to call it) - the flavor is a bit more subtle than spinach & not as irony. Even though it looks like blades of grass, I assure it tastes nothing like it (and yes, I've eaten grass!) 
Sauteed liscaro makes a delicious healthy side-dish, filling for an omelet or fritatta, tossed into salad - basically anywhere you'd add a leafy green veg, you can add liscaro - but nothing is better than simply sauteed with olive oil & garlic!

Sauteed Liscaro

serves 4

2 bunches of liscaro, pick of the roots  tough woody stems until you reach the softer leaves, wash 2-3 times.
2-3 cloves garlic whole, skin removed
olive oil
chili flakes

In a big pot with boiling salted water plunge in the cleaned liscaro for 3-4 minutes.

While it is cooking in the water, get a pan & on low heat cover the bottom with olive oil.  Toss in the garlic and cook gently until lightly brown. Then remove the garlic & discard.

Once the liscaro is finished boiling, drain & throw it in the pan with the olive oil and sautee on med heat for a couple (2-3) minutes. Season with salt & chili flakes to taste.

At the very end, add a good squeeze of lemon on top & give it a mix. Serve.

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